*************************************************************** * Installation * of * phpCMS 1.2.x with PAX * **************************************************************** * 11 steps to use it successfully **************************************************************** IMPORTANT: phpCMS 1.2.x or higher no more supports PHP 3. PHP 4 or higher will be required. **************************************************************** 1 UNZIP **************************************************************** Unzip and upload the archive into the DOCUMENT ROOT of your webserver. AGAIN - THIS IS IMPORTANT: When doing a first time install put the contents of the archive into your document root. (You may move the parser later - but it's a lot less messy doing that after you know how things work.) After upload this your directory structure should look like this: /demo-de /demo-de/form /demo-de/form/forms /demo-de/gif /demo-de/suche /demo-de/template /demo-en /demo-en/form /demo-en/form/forms /demo-en/gif /demo-en/search /demo-en/template /parser /parser/cache /parser/doc /parser/doc/doc_de /parser/doc/doc_de/gifs /parser/doc/doc_en /parser/doc/doc_en/gifs /parser/gif /parser/gif/filemanager /parser/gif/filemanager/filetypes /parser/gif/indexer /parser/gif/nav /parser/help /parser/include /parser/include/filemanager /parser/plugs /parser/readme /parser/readme/de /parser/readme/en /parser/session /parser/stat /parser/stat/backup /parser/stat/current /parser/temp /parser/template **************************************************************** 2 SET PERMISSIONS **************************************************************** Under Unix or Linux the webserver needs to have the following permissions: read permission: (directories need additional execution rights) "/parser", and all subdirectories and files within. additionally write permissions: "/parser" "/parser/cache" "/parser/include" "/parser/include/default.php" Additionally for using the demo: read permission: "/demo", and all subdirectories and files within. Additionally for using stats: write permission: "/parser/stat" "/parser/stat/backup" "/parser/stat/current" "/parser/stat/current/stat.txt" Additionally for using the HTTP-Indexer: write permission: "/parser/temp" In order to use the sessions plug-in the webserver needs to have read/write permission for "/parser/session". **************************************************************** 3 SERVER CONFIGURATION **************************************************************** To make the installation process as smooth as possible you will find a ".htaccess" file for demonstration in the archive. In order to make use of this, "AllowOverride All" needs to be enabled in the webserver's configuration. If you have direct access to your server's httpd.conf you may put the directives that are contained in the .htaccess files directly into the httpd.conf. This is advisable to increase performance of your server. Should PHP on your server require a different file extension than ".php" you will need to adjust this in your .htaccess or httpd.conf. If you get this to work you may later turn on "stealth-mode" in the GUI (control panel), if not, you cannot use stealth-mode. **************************************************************** 4 PHP and SLASHES **************************************************************** It is advisable to replace all "\" with "/" within your php.ini. This may help avoid certain problems. Usually, however, phpCMS will work regardless of this. **************************************************************** 5 FILE NAMES **************************************************************** Should PHP files end with e.g. ".php4" on your server, open the "/parser" directory, and rename all the three files to "*.php4". ATTENTION!! In the above case you also need to modify the contents of your .htaccess or httpd.conf file(s). **************************************************************** 6 CHANGE THE PASSWORD! **************************************************************** The passwort for the access to the phpCMS administration area must be set in the file "parser/include/default.php". Open this file with a text editor as e.g. the "notepad" editor from windows and go to the line $this->PASS = 'YourPasswordHere'; change the string "YourPasswordHere" into whatever you want to be the password to log into the phpCMS administration area. For security reasons you won't be able to log into the phpCMS adminstration area as long as you haven't changed this password. **************************************************************** 7 GETTING STARTED **************************************************************** If you made any changes to your httpd.conf, restart your web server! Open the directory: http://servername/parser/parser.php or, as in the above example: http://servername/parser/parser.php4 **************************************************************** 8 READ THE MANUAL **************************************************************** When parser.php is finally running you should read the documentation which is available from within phpCMS. **************************************************************** 9 BUILD YOUR OWN PAGES **************************************************************** It's usually a good idea to start out by looking at how the pages in the "/demo" directory are set up, and then changing them to look more to your liking. **************************************************************** 10 TUNING **************************************************************** Under optimal circumstances (server supports .htaccess, PHP with zlib, correct permissions) you should activate G-ZIP Compression, Server Cache and Stealth-Mode as well as Secure Stealth-Mode. **************************************************************** 11 Have fun with phpCMS! **************************************************************** ;-)